1 Gallon WaterMix

Treat grease traps, fast

All natural, liquid treatment for rapid, low-labor treatments.

Eliminate odors

Break down grease and food waste

Chemical free

Works in days

$4.84 per ounce, 1-2 ounces for each treatment, on average.

Get information for your processes


Decrease odors

In minutes, the difference will be noticeable. In days, your customers will be thanking you for the batter working environment.


Decrease labor

Our treatment programs are simple and will clean up pipes and boxes, fast. You may have increased capacity with less hard labor.


Increase profits

Our pricing is simple and inexpensive, leaving you a lot of room to gain a competitive edge, while adding to the bottom line.

Want to see more?

Navigate over to our instructions page, to see more about what WaterMix can do.

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